
Miss Universe 2021 Harnaaz Sandhu says I would like to date a young struggling man. Interview

India's Omicron tally crosses 400-mark, Covid recovery rate highest since March 2020

South Africa vs India: There is an expectation to win wherever we play, says IND coach Rahul Dravid

2 LeT-backed terrorists behind civilian killings in J&K arrested

Covid takes toll on Christmas as Santas go missing across America

83 box office collection Day 1: Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone’s film opens to positive response

Omicron cases in India | No New Year celebrations allowed in enclosed or open spaces in Mumbai

Alia Bhatt celebrates Christmas with boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor, sister Shaheen and mom Soni

Vaccines, pills and data offer some Christmas cheer in face of Omicron advance

Elephant fighting with crocodile to buffalo saving the life of a tortoise, top viral wildlife videos of 2021

Govt school teacher held for sexually harassing students in Tamil Nadu's Ramanathapuram

The story of James Webb Space Telescope | In Pics

Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi announces loan waiver upto Rs 2 lakh for farmers

Hyderabad woman helps murder-accused husband escape by throwing chili powder at police

The Ashes: Joe Root confident he can ‘bang out’ a hundred in Boxing Day Test as England bid to mount comeback

Explained: What to do if you test positive for Covid-19

55 people test positive for Covid on US cruise ship

Sorry sisters for being rude: Hyderabad college student in suicide note before jumping from terrace

Uttarakhand leaders likely to meet Rahul Gandhi tomorrow after Harish Rawat's cryptic tweet

Unhappy new fear: How Omicron threatens to disrupt your New Year party plans

Ajaz Patel dropped from New Zealand squad for Bangladesh Tests after historic 10-wicket haul in India

29 school students test Covid positive in Bengal's Nadia

Wary of Uttarakhand going the Punjab way, Congress directs state in-charge to pacify Rawat

Omicron in India LIVE Updates: India's Omicron tally rises to 238, PM Modi to hold review meeting today

Madagascar’s minister swims for 12 hours to reach shore after copter crash