
Boxing Day Test: Jasprit Bumrah, R Ashwin lead rout of Australia on Day 1 as India fight back strong

2 terrorists killed in encounter in J&K's Shopian

Rajinikanth’s blood pressure still high, decision of discharge later today

MP govt okays Freedom of Religion Bill, forced conversion will invite jail term, penalty

MNS demands Marathi language on Amazon app, apology to Raj Thackeray day after Pune vandalism

Tim Paine run-out or not? Third umpire's call during Boxing Day Test at MCG leaves cricket fraternity divided

Kerala man killed by wife’s family 3 months after wedding

India registers 22,272 new coronavirus cases; recoveries cross 97.40 lakh

China to jump US as world's biggest economy by 2028 with contrasting recoveries: Report

Will bury you, no one will know: Shivraj Singh Chouhan warns mafia

Inside pics of Gauahar Khan-Zaid Darbar's wedding reception in Mumbai

US doctor suffers severe allergic reaction to Moderna coronavirus vaccine: Report

France confirms first case of UK coronavirus variant as London returnee tests positive

Amit Shah in Assam today, to lay foundation stone for govt schemes

Jammu gets its first woman bus driver as ministers, locals hail her resolve to break barriers

1 dead after fire breaks out at mask manufacturing unit in Delhi's Mayapuri

Farmers' Protest LIVE: 7 US lawmakers write to Mike Pompeo to raise farm protests with Jaishankar

Afghan women's rights activist Freshta Kohistani, brother shot dead

2 Army jawans killed, 1 injured as barrack wall collapses in Kathua of J&K

Boxing Day Test: Ajinkya Rahane's captaincy impresses Glenn McGrath - He backed bowlers well in 1st session

PM Modi gives lovely speeches at AMU, but doesn’t give tickets to Muslims, says Ashok Gehlot

Boxing Day Test: Steve Smith out for duck, his 1st vs India in international cricket

Boxing Day Test: Steve Smith out for duck, his 1st vs India in international cricket

Woman raped, pushed off running train in Navi Mumbai

Jaipur journalist dies after brutal assault with rods while trying to stop friend’s harassment, BJP slams govt